Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Alive with Energy

Energy is everything! How we manage and work with energy determines everything! Do we know this? Not automatically, no. Energy is everywhere in every moment! Energy is the constant in every life. Close your eyes...what do you feel? Energy! you are breathing vital energy. And since energy is everywhere in everything...everything everywhere is alive with energy. Energy is life and life is energy. Can it be that energy is spirit...what we have always referred to as spirit? If so, life is energy and life is spirit and it is all the same. In every moment we create our life with energy...with spirit. With every thought we think and every breath that we take we creat our reality. Life energy or spirit flows in every moment...the flow is constant as long as we live and breath and have our being.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Alive with Energy
Posted by Hello