Sunday, November 14, 2004

Unconditional Love

Gratitude: For Unconditional Love

Love! It's about love. When the focus is on loving, the pain goes away! How can we know this one moment and forget it the next? The message is to give unconditional love. Not to seek honor, acceptance and love, but to release, let go, and give love - even to those we deem unworthy of our love. To come out of our protective shell - transparent and vulnerable - and love. Paradoxically, standing up, open to the world, delivers freedom from pain and suffering rather than defeat. Stepping forward in love shall bear witness to the truth, and we are validated in the truth. Love conquors all in this world and the next.

When our whole energy is squandered on protection and defense, there is nothing left for real living and loving. All that then exists is the dedication to the avoidance and escape from pain. What a miserable existence. We accept the role of victim in our pain, and blame the wold for our pain and rejection. And then there is the confusion and puzzlement because we strove so earnestly to work hard, be perfect, gain approval and win. Why then do we end up in pain? Because it doesn't work. The focus has been on surviving - not loving!

And if my heart is open and filled with love - that higher finer unconditional love - then I have my heart's desire. I have what I desire most in all the world. It is granted in that very moment when peace resides in heart and soul. There was no desperate striving, no struggle to achieve this miraculous gift, it is bestowed freely with grace. I am amazed at the simplicity of it, the lack of effort. I am filled with gratitude and wonder. In this moment I am exactly where I want to be! Putting all cares aside, letting go to dwell in peace and harmony.

Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Find Your Pathway

Peaceful Pathway

When I am off in a fog wandering around in the wilderness of my own confusion, there is a perfect way to call me back to spirit and higher purpose, to transform me and pull me back to my pathway. The pains of life always lurk just around the corner wdaiting to take ahold of me and shake me loose from my complacent dreaming wasteful idleness. I am drawn bck to the essence of my being. I am like a sleeper waking up with startled reactions to where I have been and where I am going! Here I am, what is happening to me, where am I headed with all of this, why have I chosen to leave the pathway and wander off?

Am I then grateful for life's pain, that old familiar friend? Shall I then embrace it? The only moment that matters now is the present moment, this painful time of awakening. Why is the pain necessary to wake me up? To pull me out of that soft cacoon in the fog. The pain is to wake me up! I am guided back in slow agonizing steps to who I am and why I am here. The pathway waits for my return, I have been away too long! Too long by human standrds and timing but only a moment by Universal time. I have turned away for a moment in the grand scheme of things and now I will press forward.

So, this is it! Return to the essence of your being, your higher finer self. Return to life alert and awake and alive - ready to journey forwad. Resist the temtation to keep looking back. Let go of the past, let go of the future. Simply move forward one step t a time. The pain has worked well to wake you up, let love carry you forwad. Love is the only anidote for pain. Love is the power of the Light calling you out of darkness and pain. Love is the secret kept by those in darkness. Love is the truth of life, the essence of being, the tranforming energy that calms the pain and mends the soul.
Posted by Hello