Friday, August 21, 2009

Remembrance: Timothy Bruce Wood

I'm Back to Try Again!

So much has happened since my last post! I will soon begin the process of telling the stories and sharing what I have learned!

Monday, March 21, 2005

African Violets
Posted by Hello

Sunday, March 20, 2005

To Remember Mother

My mother grew the most glorious and beautiful African Violets. she truly had a green thumb. When my own African Violets burst into bloom I am reminded of her almost perfect garden in the window of violets.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Snow Tree
Posted by Hello

The Price of War

An Innocent Soul in the Street

You died in the streets of Iraq…
And there is no meaning to words…
Like freedom, liberty, democracy!

You never had a choice…
To die in someone else’s war
You were an innocent in the way!

The grand and empty speeches…
Mean nothing to your ears nor mine,
You can’t hear them now…

Their words are for the living..
To convince one and all…
That your death was necessary!

Your life was quickly gone …
Your dreams forever taken.
There will be no tomorrow for you.

And I ask myself…
Why did you have to die that day…
An innocent soul in the street!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Minnesota Farm Country
Posted by Hello

Ancient Understanding of Energy

Ancient people actually understood energy better than we do. Chinese medicine is based on energy in the body and energy centers. Traditional Western medicine rejects Chinese medicine because the energy centers or the flow of energy in the body cannot be seen or located anatomically. How odd, since we accept the flow of electricity or the existence of TV waves or microwaves without actually seeing the energy. While Western medicine is concerned with diagnosing and curing specific ailments or diseases, Chinese medicine is concerned with the balance of energy as it flows through the body. The Chinese call the life energy chi. When chi is blocked for any reason, the balance is upset and there is discomfort or illness. So all illness or discomfort is the result of an energy imbalance or blocking of energy.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Once Upon a Time
Posted by Hello

Problems with Energy

And when we experience life's problems, we are experiencing energy problems. Problems with the direction and flow of our energy, problems with energy blocks or the distribution of our energy, excess energy or depletion of energy, energy surges, energy leaks, problems with how we use energy or misuse energy. Many feel the sense of energy out of control or beyond control, energy with a postive charge or energy with a negative charge. There is a energy to health or illness. On and on in every aspect of our life there iit is - energy. When we consider the source of motivation, we are referring to energy. When we consider the nature of stress, we are referring to energy. When we consider habits and behavior, we are referring to patterns of energy. Energy connects up every aspect of our lives - it permeates the substance or our being. Without this vital life energy - spirit - we do not exist in the body.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Alive with Energy

Energy is everything! How we manage and work with energy determines everything! Do we know this? Not automatically, no. Energy is everywhere in every moment! Energy is the constant in every life. Close your eyes...what do you feel? Energy! you are breathing vital energy. And since energy is everywhere in everything...everything everywhere is alive with energy. Energy is life and life is energy. Can it be that energy is spirit...what we have always referred to as spirit? If so, life is energy and life is spirit and it is all the same. In every moment we create our life with energy...with spirit. With every thought we think and every breath that we take we creat our reality. Life energy or spirit flows in every moment...the flow is constant as long as we live and breath and have our being.